Trapping Incident #41
under investigation
A man took his dogs for a walk in the garden of his local synagogue. Indy ran off to sniff around the edge of the small pond just north of the gazebo. “That’s when I heard a noise I’ll never forget,” said Indy’s guardian. “I don’t even know how to describe it — something between a snap and a scream and a grunting sound. Indy was only maybe 20 feet away from me. I ran to him and looked down to see this thing like four pieces of U-shaped metal closed around his head and neck and into his mouth.” The trap was placed in a 5-gallon plastic bucket baited with an open can of tuna fish, on private property intended for family use. Indy’s guardian called 911, and for the next half-hour, he fought against the heavy metal springs while Indy slowly suffocated in his arms. “He was trying to stay calm, and I was trying to keep the trap open, waiting for the police to arrive,” he said. “I looked into that dog’s eyes for however long it was and watched him stare back at me. About five minutes before the police came, he died.” The trap was illegally set, the trap’s owner has been identified, and faces arraignment on pending charges.