On a trail blasted out of a cliff high above the Salmon River, the writer, Mike, “was startled to see a skinned animal, which I later realized was a coyote, hanging by a wire on the cliff face. A moment later, Sophie stepped into a trap right on the trail and let out a yelp. Being a large dog, Sophie pulled hard and was able to extricate herself from the trap after a few moments of panic. Still wearing my pack, I went up to the trap and crouched down to examine it. I lost my balance and put my hand down to steady myself, placing it right in another leghold trap. I frantically pulled on the trap, never having seen one before, and was able to remove my hand, skinning my knuckles in the process. I was furious by that point, and further searching revealed a total of five leghold traps at that spot, all connected to one anchoring cable.” Throughout the backpacking journey, Mike found many many more traps. And at a later (unspecified) date, he relates how a small black lab named Jack was caught in a Conibear trap; Mike was able to extricate Jack without serious injury.