October 2, 2001 Ansonia, CT A raccoon had both his front leg and back leg caught in a leghold trap and was hanging from a fence. He was released from the traps by officers and released back into the woods, but becuase of the severity of his injuries, was not expected to live. Other
June 30, 2001 Reno, NV A cat was trapped near Hunter Lake Elementary School and taken to NHS veterinary clinic. Cat
June 30, 2001 Reno, NV A skunk was caught in a leghold trap. Leg badly broken. Animal ran away. Other
March 5, 2001 Spring Creek, MT A lynx was caught in small foothold trap. The trap broke free of the chain and the lynx dragged the trap around for 2 weeks on his front foot. The lynx was found dead, evidence suggested that he starved to death Endangered Species
January 23, 2001 Owyhees Trail, ID Owyhees trail, caught seconds before above incident,in a different trap. Other
January 23, 2001 Dry Fork Cotton Creek, MT A lynx was caught in a trap set for bobcat. The lynx was released and found dead one week later 30 ft from the trap. Endangered Species
December 11, 2000 Fairbanks, AK Alaska Department of Fish and Game and Fairbanks North Star Borough Animal Control received reports of 5 dogs caught in snares and traps in a single week. Dog
December 1, 2000 Rice Ridge, MT A lynx caught in a trap by two toes was released after being fitted with a radio collar. Endangered Species
June 20, 2000 Hopland, CA The leghold trap was located on a 25-acre ranch near Sister’s caregiver’s home. Sister was in the trap for an estimated 26 hours. Veterinary treatment including stitches, cast, and antibiotics came to $700. Her caregiver writes, “My dog was traumatized as was I. She never walked again without a limp.” The trap owner was found but not charged. Dog
April 28, 2000 West Sacramento, CA A citizen contacted local animal control after discovering a cat with a trap attached to his leg. Estimates were the cat had been caught for 2 weeks. Cat