December 15, 2002 Omaha, NE The owner of the Cedar Ridge Game farm was fined for violations of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The man claimed he does what all game farm operators do — kill great horned owls. The man had been charged with violations of the MBTA 6 years earlier. Other
December 10, 2002 Virginia Beach, VA A man who had been catching foxes in the traps assured the couple that “the traps were set high enough off the ground that they wouldn’t harm the cats.” Cat
October 11, 2002 Plymouth, IN female tabby-calico mix, named Lucky Lady Miracle Cat by shelter workers Found by workers at a dental office. Cat
August 13, 2002 Stanley, ID About 25 miles NW of Stanley, ID, near the River of No Return Wilderness — A family dog named Sammy was caught in a leg-hold trap meant to catch wolves biologist wanted to study. The family, not knowing anything about traps, shot their dog to “put it out of its misery.” Dog
July 19, 2002 Peter Dana Point, ME Peter Dana Point, ME, north of Indian Township in the Passamaquoddy Reservation — a trap baited and set in an open garage.
March 21, 2002 North Kingstown, RI After being trapped, the cat clawed open the basement door and crawled in. Cat
February 24, 2002 trapped by leg, dog when found was “vibrating, she’s shaking so furiously” 2 miles from her country home, on path at top of hill. Dog
February 21, 2002 Shelby, NC Found behind auto parts store, in a plastic grocery bag in a trash bin. Other
December 3, 2001 Oxbow Pit, ME An eagle caught in a trap set for coyotes was taken to a veterinarian by a Maine warden. Endangered Species