July 29, 2003 AZ A 3-year-old cat was found in a neighborhood yard dragging a leghold trap . The cat suffered 4 severe breaks to his front left leg that was also badly dislocated, likely the result of the cat struggling to free himself, according to the veterinarian. Cat
July 24, 2003 Cody, WY A young grizzly bear died of strangulation after getting caught in a trap intended to catch wolves that were killing livestock in Sunlight Basin. Other
June 2, 2003 Charlottesville, VA Found with her kitten in a trailer park, Ella had suffered the traumatic loss of the leg while escaping the trap. The injury had scarred over, but she was treated by a veterinarian because she neglected her health to take care of her kitten. The trap owner was never found. (This correspondent also reported: “Another incident happened long ago in Falls Church, VA but it was unforgettable; a dog named Ruby had her tongue severed by a steel-jaw trap. She recovered and adapted to life without a tongue.” Cat
May 30, 2003 Burro Mountains, NM Accompanied by her 2 dogs, a woman went riding her horse. One dog got caught in a trap in a canyon. The woman was unable to remove trap from her dog’s leg and could not break the chain the trap was attached to. The dog thrashed wildly when the woman attempted to leave for help, so she stayed with the dog and released the horse to return home as a distress signal. Help finally arrived and the dog was taken to the vet. Dog
January 16, 2003 Bow Valley, BC A trapper legally killed a 9-year-old alpha male and his 2-year-old son outside Banff National Park. Researchers studying the original Bow Valley wolf colony were monitoring the wolves. After the trapping of Storm and Yukon, the long-established pack was reduced to 2 wolves: a young female and her 8-month-old pup. Other
January 11, 2003 Helena, MT A radio-collared male lynx got caught in a conibear set for wolverines was found dead by a warden and a lynx research team. Endangered Species
January 8, 2003 Cedar Rapids, IA A 30-pound bobcat was found dead caught in a snare set for coyotes near the city’s water treatment plant. This was the first confirmed bobcat seen in Linn County since the 19th century when the animals were wiped out from most parts of Iowa. Other
January 1, 2003 Kenai Peninsula, AK Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, AK — A man pled guilty in federal court to illegally snaring 2 bald eagles and setting bait too close to traps and snares. He admitted that he had failed to check traps as often as required by law and claimed a back injury prevented him from doing so. The snares were set for coyotes. The animals were found by a Fish and Wildlife Service officer. who also shot a coyote who had been ensnared for several days. Other
January 1, 2003 Tucson, AZ Cats and kittens were left in 2 rabbit cages outside the Hermitage No-Kill Cat Shelter. Along with the live injured cats, there was the partially-skinned head of a cat. 1 kitten’s injuries were so severe he was euthanized. Another had his tail and feet amputated. The cats all looked like they had been captured by leghold traps. Cat
December 30, 2002 Pitt River, BC 2 women walking their dogs on a gravel path near the Pitt River let their dogs off leash to run around. One dog was caught in a conibear trap lured with steak and a duck, and died at the scene. The trap was set illegally. Dog