April 1, 2004 Bowron Lakes Provincial Park, BC A wildlife photographer’s dog found front leg of a lynx in the woods near the park. The foot likely had been chewed off by the lynx in an attempt to escape a steel-jaw leghold trap, which are set in large numbers in the lands surrounding the boundaries of the park. Endangered Species
March 1, 2004 Long Beach Peninsula , OR A bald eagle with a missing leg and talon was brought to the Wildlife Rehab Center of the North Coast. The rehabilitators suspected that the injury was caused by a steel-jaw leghold trap. The stress on the one leg was causing the eagle many problems and the rehabilitators decided not to re-release the bird back into the wild. Other
March 1, 2004 Long Beach Peninsula , OR An eagle with missing leg and talon was brought to the Wildlife Rehab Center of the North Coast. Rehabilitators suspected that the injury was caused by a steel-jaw leghold trap. The stress on the one leg was causing the eagle many problems and the rehabilitators decided not to re-release the bird back into the wild. Other
February 26, 2004 Southern , UT A trapper employed by the federal government’s Wildlife Services was investigated for trapping, killing, and failing to report a golden eagle caught in a government leghold trap. The eagle was found alive and struggling by 8 teenagers and their instructor while they were hiking in a wilderness therapy program. When a conservation officer arrived at the scene the eagle was gone; only feathers and blood remained. Other
February 24, 2004 Lenoire County , NC Lenoir County, NC — 2 beagles were dropped in the overnight box at a animal shelter after being caught in leghold traps. Dog
February 23, 2004 Spearfish, SD Booper died when he ran into wire snare set for bobcat in “Game Production Area” — Game, Fish and Parks Department stated that there is a “big misconception by a segment of the public that these wildlife areas are parks” while explaining why the location of traps are not marked to warn visitors Dog
February 12, 2004 Ravenna, MI 8-year-old female Chinese sharpei was caught by a snare on 01/20/04 set on the rural property of her owner’s neighbor, a county sheriff’s deputy. The neighbor, upon finding the trapped dog, then shot and disposed of the pet. A warrant was issued charging the neighbor with one count of killing a licensed dog.” Dog
February 1, 2004 OR A red-tailed hawk was found caught in a leghold trap. His leg bone and flesh were severed. Oregon State police fined the guilty party for not having proper permits for the trap and for improperly baiting the trap. Other
January 22, 2004 Northern, ON A Black Labrador retriever survived 19 days in the bush with a wire snare digging into her neck. She was 20 pounds lighter and her teeth were worn down from gnawing at the retraining snare. Her veterinarian estimated that the snare was on the dog’s neck for three days, but somehow the dog made it home. Dog
January 17, 2004 Normanna Township, MN A few miles north of Duluth, an endangered lynx, “No. 10,” was caught in a snare set for a fox. Killing a lynx is a federal offense. The trapper called a local conservation officer who notified the U.S. Forest Service. Wildlife researchers took the wildcat to the Duluth Zoo, where a vet proclaimed him fit and the researchers promptly re-released him near where he had been trapped. Endangered Species