October 18, 2011 Augusta, ME A lynx was accidentally caught by a trapper and released. Endangered Species
October 16, 2011 Oregon, WI A woman’s dog got caught in a trap and died while they were out for a walk in an area popular with people with dogs. There was some confusion over whether or not the land was owned by the nature conservancy, which does not allow hunting or trapping, or by the DNR, which does. It appears the trap was set legally. Dog
September 6, 2011 Chitina, AK A dog named Sara was caught by her neck in a snare trap for approx 20 hours. There were around 30 snares in the area where she was trapped. The traps were set out by a neighbor who did not inform the residents of his traps. Sara had a cut all the way around her neck from the snare and it took days for head swelling to go down. She has a permanent ring of white hair around her neck caused by the accident. Dog
August 5, 2011 Ansonia, CT Police were called for a male, domestic, short-haired tabby cat who got it’s leg caught in a leg hold trap. The cat was taken to a vet and later euthanized. Cat
August 1, 2011 Gresham, OR A dog was caught and killed in a conibeartrap intended to for nuisance wildlife. Dog
July 14, 2011 Brimfield/Chicago, IL Marley, a female German Shepherd/Rottweiler mix, got 3 of her paws caught in traps set out for coyotes and nearly lost her life. She survived unable to move until she was found by hunters on the fifth day after becoming trapped. Miraculously, she was able to keep all three of her legs with just having her toes amputated. Dog
May 19, 2011 Hampton Bays, NY A pet cat named Curly was caught in a trap set out for raccoons by a neighbor. Curly’s back and tailbone were crushed by the trap and had to be euthanized because of his injuries. Cat
March 31, 2011 Houston, TX A barred owl whos leg was caught in a steel-jaw leghold trap was being nursed back to health at The Wildlife Center of Texas. A Richmond family found the emaciated owl struggling to drink water out of their swimming pool. Other
January 21, 2011 Atkinson, NC A dog named Dozer was caught in a trap. He sustained broken bones, cuts, swelling, bruising, and had to have his tail amputated. Dog
January 21, 2011 Gaithersburg, MD A cat returned dragging a leg-hold trap clamped to his front, left paw. Trap was removed and his front leg amputated. Incident was reported to Montgomery County Animal Control. Cat