June 20, 2013 Louisville, KY A woman shot what she thought was a bobcat in her backyard, but it turned out to be a 9-month-old leopard. Indiana Department of Natural Resources was attempting to determine who it belonged to or where it came from. Big Cats
June 19, 2013 Holland, MI A 5-foot python escaped while the owner was cleaning out it’s tank. It was later found under the hood of a car. Reptiles
June 19, 2013 Tyler, TX A 63-year old eco-tourism guide pleaded guilty to smuggling live snakes into Eastern District of Texas from Peru in violation of foreign law. Reptiles
June 19, 2013 Westtown, NY A male, 30-35 pound serval was left outside the Dawn Animal Agency sanctuary entrance in a flimsy wire crate, and quickly escaped. He was on the loose for 3 days before being caught with a net while going for some food that was set out as a lure. The US Department of Agriculture was trying to track down the owner. Small Cats
June 13, 2013 New York, NY A dead boa constrictor was found in a trash bin in NY City. It appeared that the snake had been run over by a vehicle. Reptiles
June 12, 2013 Philadelphia, PA A passerby called authorities after discovering an alligtor emerging from a sewer. Police took the reptile to the city’s Animal Care and Control. Reptiles
June 10, 2013 Orlando, FL A penguin at SeaWorld Orlando jumped out from it’s enclosure onto where guests were congregated. The incident was captured by a guest’s video, who stated she feared for her child’s safety. The penguin was eventually returned to its habitat. Other
June 9, 2013 Alexandria, LA A 20-pound Colobus monkey escaped from its handler and caused an evacuation and temporary closure when zoo staff were moving the primates. The monkey was tranquilized after zoo employees couldn’t coax it down form a tree. Primates
June 8, 2013 Orlando, FL A visitor at SeaWorld Orlando captured video of an 8-month old baby sea lion escape from its enclosure and outrun zookeepers trying to capture it. The sea lion was eventually caught and returned to its enclosure. Marine
June 8, 2013 Janesville, WI A man broke into a home, smashed a television, tore up a pool table, destroyed a microwave, slashed car tires and let the resident’s pet snake loose as retaliation for an assault. The man has been charged. Reptiles