January 16, 2014 Vermilion, OH An employee at an Ohio Car dealership was bitten by a customer’s pet spider monkey when he reached in to pet him. The man in charge of the monkey did not have a permit to own an exotic pet and it was not clear to whom the monkey belonged. The man and his twin brother had previously been arrested for being in possession of stolen gibbons. The spider monkey that bit the dealership employee was euthanized and tested for rabies. Primates
January 16, 2014 Palmetto, FL Several Manatee County residents have been reporting monkey sightings. The monkey has not been caught. Primates
January 15, 2014 Charlestown, IN Zookeepers exhibited three tiger cubs without any distance or barriers between the animals and the public, and two members of the public were injured by tigers. Big Cats
January 14, 2014 Charlestown, IN Zoo owner Tim Stark slapped tiger cubs who bit customers’ clothing. Big Cats
January 12, 2014 South Elgin, IL A baby sugar glider still nursing from her mother was stolen from a pet shop. Other
January 11, 2014 Spring Hill, FL A woman was hospitalized at the Survival Outreach Sanctuary when she sustained a serious eye injury after being gored by a deer. The injured woman is the sister of the owner of the sanctuary. This is the same sanctuary whose lion escaped the week before. Other
January 10, 2014 Charlestown, IN Zookeepers exhibited tiger cubs without any distance or barriers between the animals and the public, and a member of the public was injured by one of the tigers. Big Cats
January 8, 2014 Gentry, AR A inspection by the U.S. Department of Agriculture revealed that the last four inches of an adult olive baboon’s tail were bent at an abnormal angle. As the inspector watched, the baboon began chewing on the end of the tail, and it fell off. He was not the only olive baboon with a tail injury. Additionally, there was an adult capuchin monkey with an injury to his left thumb, and a red lechwe antelope that could not bear weight on his left front leg. Primates
January 7, 2014 New Bedford, MA A 55-year old zoo elephant escaped from her enclosure at the Buttonwood Zoo and suffered exposure to extreme cold. Someone had forgotten to padlock the door. She is being monitored for hypothermia. Elephants