July 20, 2016 Nederland, CO A loose pet lemur bit a 2-year-old girl in downtown Nederland. The toddler wasn’t seriously injured, and officials captured the lemur, which was then sent to a primate sanctuary in Florida. Lemurs are illegal to own as pets in Colorado. Primates
July 20, 2016 Natural Bridge, VA A female spider monkey was euthanized after a veterinary exam revealed difficulty breathing. Primates
July 19, 2016 Watertown, NY An 11-week-old lynx cub escaped his enclosure through a broken fence and climbed a tree. It took firefighters half an hour to return him to his enclosure. Small Cats
July 18, 2016 Miami, FL 21-year-old Victoria Valledor was bitten by a lemur outside her home. When the police arrived, the lemur chased them as well. Officials were able to capture the primate, who was likely a pet. Primates
July 17, 2016 Varysburg, NY 81-year-old Hans Boxler Sr., the owner of exotic animal park Hidden Valley Animal Adventure, was trampled to death by a nilgai antelope that got out of its pen. Other
July 17, 2016 Erie, IL A pet wallaby named Blu escaped from a home through a hole that was dug under a fence by a dog. Other
July 16, 2016 Fresno, CA The Fresno Chaffee Zoo’s 8-year-old California sea lion, Catalina, died Saturday after contracting Valley fever, a fungal ailment that is uncommon in marine mammals. Marine
July 16, 2016 Methuen, MA A woman found a dead tegu floating in the Merrimack River. Because tegus are not native to the area, it was likely a pet that escaped or was abandoned. Reptiles
July 14, 2016 Wilkes-Barre, PA Two men pulled an 8-foot-long red tail boa constrictor out from beneath a parked SUV after one saw it slither under. They removed the snake, believed to be a pet, in a plastic container. Reptiles
July 13, 2016 St. Louis, MO Robert B, a Sumatran orangutan, died of complications of a respiratory infection. Primates