August 18, 2016 Peoria, IL Kyra, an 8-year-old female Amur tiger, died after a short illness that was likely an infection. Big Cats
August 17, 2016 Chicago, IL An 18-year-old Amur tiger named Molly was euthanized after her health and quality of life rapidly deteriorated. She was showing evidence of age-related discomfort and illness over the past few weeks. Big Cats
August 17, 2016 Fremont, CA A 4-foot alligator, first spotted Aug. 15 as it sunbathed on a flat rock, was the subject of an intense two-day search by Alameda County sheriff’s deputies, Fremont police officers and state wildlife officers. Animal Control officers said presented a public danger, so it was shot and killed by a state wildlife officer. Police believe it was an abandoned exotic pet. Reptiles
August 17, 2016 Oklahoma City, OK Firefighters pulled a python from an home while investigating a fire. Reptiles
August 17, 2016 Marquette, MI A man found a a 6-foot boa constrictor on a shelf in a storage garage. He brought it to the Upper Peninsula Animal Welfare Shelter. Boas are not native to the Upper Peninsula, so it is believed that this one was a pet that got loose. Reptiles
August 14, 2016 Lancaster, OH A pet monkey was loose in a Walmart parking lot for several minutes before being retrieved and returned to an RV trailer. The monkey reportedly bit a Walmart employee, though the associate did not require medical attention. Primates
August 14, 2016 Garden City, KS Moe, a 21-year-old male addax, died of age-related causes. He was bonded with Joy, a female addax who passed away on Aug. 10. Other
August 13, 2016 Dartmouth, MA Dartmouth police captured a 6-foot-long boa constrictor along a street. A reptile expert said it was grossly underweight, starving, and possibly suffering from a respiratory issue. It was turned over to New England Reptile and Raptor Exhibits, and is believed to be an escaped pet. Reptiles
August 13, 2016 Springfield, TN A foot-long bearded dragon in a transport container was found on the side of the road. The people who found it are trying to locate its owner. Reptiles
August 10, 2016 Orlando, FL A man sitting on a screened porch was bitten by a 4-foot-long ball python, a nonvenomous snake. The man’s friend killed the snake. Investigators with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission are checking their list of known ball python owners to see if any of their snakes recently escaped. Reptiles