July 11, 2005 Chicago, IL An outside audit of the Lincoln Park Zoo regarding the death of African elephant Wankie noted that the heater that was supposed to be with Winkie in the transport truck did not fit in with her crate and there was no regular monitoring of air temperature during her transport. The audit also questioned why Wankie was shipped from Lincoln Park Zoo only three days after a bout with colic. Wankie had to be euthanized after reaching the Utah Zoo in May. Elephants
July 5, 2005 Chicago, IL A 450-pound male silverback gorilla named Kwan bit a zoo worker at Lincoln Park Zoo, causing the woman puncture wounds, scratches, and a sprained ankle. Zoo officials reported that the attack was due to human error. Primates
June 27, 2005 Noble County, OH Buddy, a 3-ft-tall monkey, escaped from his home, jumped into a pick-up truck, and bit a 20-year-old man on the leg before fleeing. Primates
June 24, 2005 Moorehead, KY A monkey leaped out of the driver’s window as his possessor picked up an order at a fast food drive-through window. The monkey, Boo Boo, hung onto the clerk’s hand and bit and injured the restaurant worker. Primates
June 21, 2005 Little Falls, MN A 10-year-old boy was attacked by a tiger then a lion, while he and his dad were visiting a friend. The tiger and lion were being kept at an auto parts store along with nine other large cats. The boy suffered a brain injury and a severed spinal cord, which left the child a quadriplegic and dependent on a respirator. The lion and tiger were euthanized to be tested for diseases that could harm the child. Big Cats
June 19, 2005 Rochester, NY An actic fox escaped from the Seneca Park Zoo and was killed on Interstate 490 in Perinton, more than sixteen miles from the zoo. Other
June 16, 2005 Alton, MO Two “pet” snow monkeys escaped from their home and were later recaptured. Both animals tested positive for the Herpes B virus and were euthanized. Primates
June 16, 2005 Calais, ME Two wolf hybrids attacked a neighbor’s dog. The same wolf hybrids were involved in an incident in June 2002. Other