August 17, 2005 Bovey, MN A 1,400-lb male buffalo attacked and killed his caregiver at the Zerebko Zoo-Tran Farm, an exotic animal farm that raises and exhibits exotic animals. A woman was watching the farm while the owners were away on a county fair tour. Other
August 17, 2005 Altamont, KS A 17-year-old girl was attacked and killed by a Siberian tiger during a photo-op for her high school senior portrait. The 7-year-old tiger was being restrained by trainer Doug Billingsly, owner of Lost Creek Animal Sanctuary and Animal Entertainment Productions, when the attack occurred. Big Cats
August 16, 2005 Powell, OH Ganesh, a 7-year-old Asian elephant, was found dead in his stall at the Columbus Zoo, most likely from a viral strain of elephant herpes. Elephants
August 11, 2005 Beeville, TX A woman turned over her “pet” mangabey monkey to a wildlife sanctuary after he bit her. Primates
August 10, 2005 Harbor City, CA A 5-ft-long alligator, an abandoned “pet,” was found in Machado Lake. The person who abandoned the animal was charged with illegal possession and release of an animal. Reptiles
August 5, 2005 White River, IN A 4-ft-long alligator was found in a pond near a residential area. The alligator was likely an abandoned “pet.” Reptiles
August 1, 2005 Ann Arbor, MI A 3-1/2-ft-long alligator was found abandoned nearby a veterinary hospital. The alligator was likely an abandoned “pet.” Reptiles
July 20, 2005 Portsmouth, NH A circus truck pulling a trailer with two elephants broke down on Interstate 95 during a trip from Maine to their performance in Massachusetts. Elephants
July 18, 2005 Elgin, IL A monkey on the loose was sighted by several people and reported to police and Animal Control. Primates
July 11, 2005 Steuben County, NY An alligator found in a western New York Creek bed was placed in a new location. Reptiles