August 18, 2011 Springfield, MO A 8-year old girl was attacked by a macaque monkey that was in a nearby car. The girl is being treated for transmittable disease. Primates
August 18, 2011 Colfax, IL An emu escaped from its enclosure at the Central Illinois Small Animal Rescue in Colfax and eludes capture. Other
August 18, 2011 St. Paul, MN A 3-foot long snake got loose in a man’s car and was found a week later wound up on the airbag. Reptiles
August 17, 2011 Cincinnati, OH A Cincinnati family found a 14-foot, 120 pound reticulated python in their backyard. It was turned into the local SPCA. Reptiles
August 12, 2011 Las Vegas, NV The town advisory board turned down Record Producer Jamal Rashid’s application for 2 serval cats and a capuchin monkey after 2 escapes by the serval cats. Small CatsPrimates
August 12, 2011 Trimble, MO The MO Dept of Conservation is looking for the owner of a nearly 8-ft red tail boa constrictor found in a yard of a home. Reptiles
August 12, 2011 Jackson Township, PA An employee at a Pennsylvania animal park suffered a severe arm injury after being attacked by a 450 pound Bengal tiger. Officials said she climbed over the fence, walked in between the tiger cageI, and was bitten when she reached in to pet the tigers. Big Cats
August 10, 2011 Albany, GA People in an Albany neighborhood have sited a 6-7 foot python on the loose. Although authories were called, it could not be located. A couple came forward after the story aired and claimed the albino Burmese python named Sunshine was their son’s, who had escaped form it’s cage in the garage. Reptiles
August 10, 2011 Burton, OH A 4-inch wide, 50 lb pet boa constrictor went missing and was located using thermal imaging. Police are still investigating the incident. Reptiles