Supporting Wildlife Rehabilitation Efforts

Born Free USA supports the properly-performed and regulated practice of wildlife rehabilitation. Wildlife rehabilitation involves assisting wild animals who have been orphaned or injured so that they can be restored to the wild (with a chance to survive that is approximately equal to that of other members of their species). In Canada, wildlife rehabilitation is generally managed by provincial and state agencies that unfortunately prioritize hunting, trapping, and fishing, as well as conservation at the habitat, landscape, or population level – with no consideration for the individual animal (unless the species is endangered).

Our Canadian representative serves on a committee that advises the provincial government about wildlife conflict issues, including wildlife rehabilitation. We also work to reform the licensing and treatment of wildlife rehabbers by writing letters to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) to expose pressing issues; to biologists to seek supporting information; or to regional offices to defend specific rehabbers.

Photo by Audrey ( via:

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