Tackling the International Wildlife Trade Head-On

in CITES on September 30, 2016

Lion© Chris Yiu

The first week of meetings for the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) has just concluded—and there has been pleasant progress so far! [teaserbreak]

Straight away, Committee I tackled the global problem of trade in pangolins, about which I’ve written before. These scaly mammals are popularly considered to be the most heavily traded mammals in the world, at a rate of approximately 100,000 per year. Sought after for their scales in traditional medicines and their meat in luxury markets, the four species in Africa and four in Asia are likely to go extinct without swift action. Six of the species were approved for uplisting without confrontation. Only two of the Asian species received any pushback (from Indonesia). But, when the votes were cast, there were 114 in favor, five abstentions, and just the lone “no” vote. This is a massive conservation success and I sincerely hope that ending the commercial pangolin trade will save the species.

Parties also successfully beat back attempts to dismantle an important decision from the CITES meeting in 2007 to stop the inexplicable scourge of tiger farming in Asia. They decided that only tigers in approved conservation breeding programs should be in captivity—NOT intensive breeding of tigers for commercial trade in their parts. China has worked since then to undermine this decision and tried to have it deleted this week. They failed resoundingly. At a time when there are more tigers in captivity in China (or the U.S., for that matter) than in all of their historic wild range, governments everywhere must do all they can to stop tiger trade, eliminate demand, and protect tigers in the wild: where they belong.

But, the big fight behind the scenes and in official working groups is over lions. Niger, Togo, Chad, and other lion range states want CITES to list lions on Appendix I, thereby cutting off trade that is for primarily commercial purposes. South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, and others want no restrictions—because of the robust trophy hunting industries they propagate and because of the grotesque canned hunting industry in South Africa, which also results in a massive commercial export of lion bones.

The battle has been intense: which countries warrant an Appendix I listing? Which should stay on Appendix II (allowing commercial trade freely)? Should there be a specific annotation that prohibits commercial trade in wild lions but allows some trade from South Africa from captive ones? Three days of behind-the-scenes negotiations and we are not done yet. The Working Group meets again Saturday night. The CITES meeting reconvenes Sunday morning.

Born Free USA will do all we can to persuade Parties to take a precautionary approach and save lions while there is still time.

There are discussions to be finalized on wild dogs and, indeed, on lions. There is debate to come on rhino horn trade from Swaziland and whether to allow Namibia and Zimbabwe to trade in elephant ivory once again.

It’s a strange position to be in halfway through the meeting. By Wednesday afternoon, we’ll actually know the fate of entire species and whether some of the world’s most imperiled animals will be around for future generations.

Last night, I paid for my dinner and gave the restaurant manager a Born Free USA t-shirt. He told me that he was going to a nearby wildlife reserve with his family this weekend, and that it was tragic to think that his grandchildren may inherit a world without rhinos. As a South African, he was appalled at the thought. So am I. And, hopefully, so, too, are the government representatives who have the chance to cast a vote FOR wildlife. Mike at the restaurant gets it. CITES Parties should, as well…

Keep Wildlife in the Wild,


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