Born Free Makes Presence Known at CITES

in Spotlight on March 06, 2013

A milestone event that occurs just once every three years, the 16th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is well under way in Bangkok, Thailand — and Born Free USA is there in force, doing all we can to advance the companion causes of compassionate conservation and keeping wildlife in the wild. Our chief executive officer, Will Travers, already has spoken out many times, including at a wildlife law enforcement awards ceremony March 6. Watch his six-minute presentation by clicking on the accompanying image; find that speech and other up-to-the minute tweets, photos, blogs and videos on our “Latest from CITES” webpage; and check out our CITES photo gallery.

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Embattled Aquatic Giant Given Lifeline by U.N. Convention