We Celebrate the First Wolf Day in Ethiopia

in Ethiopian Wolves on November 27, 2012

Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme (EWCP) recently celebrated the first Wolf Day in North Ethiopia. The event was held in Muja, North Wollo, a village only a few kilometers from wolf range.
The purpose of EWCP Wolf Day is to bring people together for a celebration of the Ethiopian wolves and their Afroalpine habitat, through games, sporting events, art competitions, and drama productions. More than 300 schoolchildren, villagers and administrators took part in the festivities, with Muja Primary School receiving the football trophy, and Wondach School winning the volleyball.

The audience was also treated to a number of poems and a wildlife quiz, aimed at highlighting the conservation issues affecting the wolves and their habitat. The EWCP education officers, Zegeye and Fekadu, also took the opportunity to hand out information brochures to the audience that explained the concept of sustainable resource use in the highlands.

The day was a real success, and we are hoping to make next year’s event even bigger and better. As one participant remarked, “Conservation is very important, but it can also be fun!”

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