Snakes in a Suitcase? It Won’t Be the Last Time

in Captive Exotic Animals on December 28, 2011

Talk about ridiculous!

Earlier this month a man from the Czech Republic tried to board a flight in Argentina, but his suitcase was found to contain almost 250 live animals, including poisonous snakes and endangered reptiles. Two of the animals were dead, and the rest probably would have succumbed had they been forced to endure an oxygen-starved flight in cargo.
Fifty-one-year-old Karel Abelovsky faces up to 10 years in prison on charges he attempted to smuggle the animals, some of whom are protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. His motive obviously would be the very lucrative (and completely shameful) exotic “pet” trade.

In such abysmal cases, the arrestee typically represents only one part of a much larger problem. If in fact he is guilty as charged, Abelovsky is only supplying some buyers’ degenerate desires.

As long as there is demand for exotic “pets,” there will be suppliers.

Sadly, we can expect to read about more such ridiculousness in the future — at least until everyone accepts the stupid cruelty of having exotic animals as “pets.”

Blogging off,

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10th Anniversary of National Bird Day Is Jan. 5, 2012