AB 1162 Increases Penalties for Poaching [2011]

in California on March 10, 2011

Update (Sept. 26, 2011): This bill was signed into law by the governor.

Bill description: This bill increases the penalty for poaching endangered or threatened species from $10,000 to $40,000 per violation and subjects any person who uses any type of “signal-emitting device” (“any device capable of generating radio, cellular, satellite or other signal transmission for purposes of providing communication or location information”) in conjunction with the purpose of selling or trafficking bear parts to a fine of 10 times the market value of the bear parts, or $10,000, whichever is greater.
Read the full text of the bill and follow its progress here.

Note: The text and status of California bills is available here.

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A. 1850 Increases Penalties for Pet Shop Violations [2011]