Every day can be a Lobby Day!

in Wildlife Conservation on May 18, 2010

Recently I wrote about my experience at Humane Lobby Day held in the Capitol Building here in Sacramento, California. I got to thinking and remembered the first time I visited the Capitol. It was somewhat intimidating. You’re taken in by its beauty, but it’s a big building and a swirling center of activity. Once you realize that the men and women who occupy those offices are there because of you—the voting citizen, you start to relax and gradually gain confidence. Taking time to introduce yourself and offer brief comments about issues that are important to you reminds lawmakers why they’re here. They’re flesh and blood humans, just like you and me!  Sometimes they just “appear scary”.
We continue to get positive feedback from that day at the Capitol. Not only did many people face their fears in speaking out loud to lawmakers but they conquered them and, in doing so, yielded success beyond expectation. My experience, for example, had me fairly nervous. Then, it turned out that one of our legislator’s aides was himself a hunter, and that made me even more fearful that speaking up for animals being hunted would meet with opposition. My fear turned to excitement when we actually found common ground! He surprised us by expressing concern about the intent of the ruling regarding bear-hunting.

Imagine that? An avid hunter and animal activists agreeing on a hunting issue! Proof positive that politics do indeed make strange bedfellows.

But is wasn’t just us at the Capitol that day who made our voices heard. Clearly, you all made a powerful impression. Together our voices were heard, loud and clear, since the CA Dept. of Fish and Game’s proposal to expand black bear hunting in California, using hounds fitted with high tech tracking collars and tip switches, was just tabled at their meeting for further study. Go Bears! Read more: State withdraws plan to expand black-bear hunting »

Born Free USA knows there are all sorts of ways you can “lobby” for issues you’re concerned about. When you have a couple minutes, pull up a chair and read our Introduction to Advocacy. In no time at all you’ll be prepared to lobby anytime, anywhere. And, we’ve made it really easy to take action on important matters with just the click of your mouse.

If you haven’t already, sign up here for Action Alerts from Born Free USA. Don’t have a computer? No problem. An old-fashioned hand-written note gets peoples’ attention even better, and always will.

Finally, think about the opportunities you have to meet with your community officials. You can make a strong impact for animals by working with your councilpeople or commissioners. Take a look at our samples of model ordinance and legislation.

Lobbying is not just a one-day event. We have the opportunity to lobby every day, no matter where we live. In reality, what it comes down to is that YOU are the voice of those who cannot speak. That might sound like a big responsibility, but you’ve demonstrated that you have what it takes! Before I forget, here’s the bills we’re monitoring, and the link to track their status:

  • SJR 22 (Florez) – CA Support for Congressional Action to Prevent Equine Cruelty
  • AB 2012 (Lieu) – Make laws for animal cruelty and neglect more consistent
  • AB 1656 (Ma/Lieu) – Consumer Deception Loophole (require labeling on all fur garments valued at less than $150)

Let’s keep making a difference!

Till next time…


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Hopping Mad!