Another captive dolphin death

in Animal News on June 05, 2009

MGM Mirage today reported the second death of a dolphin this year at The Mirage’s dolphin habitat. Two-year-old Sgt. Pepper died Wednesday of complications from a lung infection. Sgt. Pepper is the 14th dolphin to die at the Siegfried & Roy’s Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat since the attraction opened in 1990.

The death comes hard on the heels of a request by The Mirage hotel to import two bottlenose dolphins. Born Free USA responded to the request asking the permit be denied on the grounds of the hotel’s dismal animal care record, the lack of educational and conservation value of the display, animal welfare and transport concerns, and more. Born Free USA’s letter can be viewed at www.bornfreeusa/miragedolphins.

Mirage dolphin dies from lung infection complications
Amanda Finnegan
Las Vegas Sun

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The Mirage casino's "Dolphin Death Pool" claims another life