H 6177 Strengthens Existing Trapping Law [2007]

in Rhode Island on February 28, 2007

Update: This bill failed to pass before the session ended.

Bill Description: Under existing Rhode Island law, the use of steel jawed leghold traps is banned. However, an exception is made for their use with a permit to abate an “animal nuisance.” If passed, this bill would eliminate this exception and strengthen the prohibition on leghold traps for commercial or recreational trapping.
Leghold traps are not species-selective. They are indiscriminate and sometimes catch and kill non-target animals, including family cats and dogs and endangered species. Closing this loophole will serve to further protect family cats and dogs, threatened and endangered species, and even public safety.

Read the next article

S 384 Regulates Non-native Animals Kept as Pets [2007]