S. 3880 Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA)

in Senate on October 11, 2005

Purpose: Makes it a crime punishable by imprisonment to travel interstate or use the mail to intentionally interfere with any business classified as an “animal enterprise” or anyone having a connection to an animal enterprise.
Status: Signed into law on November 27, 2006.

Action: OPPOSE. Please contact your two U.S. Senators and urge them to oppose S. 3880. Tell your Senators that S. 3880 is vague and overly broad.

Talking points for your letter:

  • S. 3880, the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA), would make it a crime punishable by imprisonment to travel interstate or use the mail to intentionally interfere with any business classified as an “animal enterprise” or anyone having a connection to an animal enterprise. The term “animal enterprise” is defined very broadly to include manufacturers, distributors, and sellers of animals or animal products. This includes research facilities, pet stores, breeders, zoos, rodeos, circuses, and animal shelters.
  • AETA restricts animal advocacy activities by using a broad brush to paint advocates as “terrorists” simply because they oppose institutionalized animal cruelty. This legislation could apply to individuals or groups that strongly oppose acts of violence, vandalism, and property damage.
  • AETA does not genuinely fight terrorism. AETA may divert valuable taxpayer money and resources away from real terrorism.
  • Protecting corporate profits isn’t a national security priority. There are better ways to spend scarce anti-terrorism resources than protecting corporate interests and targeting animal advocates as “terrorists.”
  • AETA is vague and overly broad. AETA isn’t just about illegal actions like breaking windows or rescuing animals from fur farms. It could label civil disobedience, whistle-blowing, and undercover investigations as “terrorism” if they hurt corporate profits.
  • AETA limits free speech. Labeling nonviolent actions as “terrorism” and prosecuting them as federal crimes will have a chilling effect on free speech. You shouldn’t have to be afraid of being labeled a “terrorist” simply for speaking up for animals.

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S. 2548 Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act