S. 1298 Downed Animal Protection Act

in Senate on October 11, 2004

Purpose: The Downed Animal Protection Act will require immediate humane euthanasia for downed animals at slaughterhouses and prohibit them from being used for human food.
Status: The U.S. Senate approved an amendment that bans the processing of “downed” farm animals for human consumption. Senator Daniel Akaka (D-HI) introduced the amendment during debate on the FY 2004 Agriculture Appropriations Act, H.R. 2673. The amendment was approved by voice vote. The House of Representatives defeated a similar measure during debate of the Agriculture appropriations bill, which failed by a 199-202 vote in July. The final outcome will be determined by a House-Senate conference committee.

Action: SUPPORT.

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S. 736 Amends the Animal Welfare Act to Strengthen Enforcement of Provisions Relating to Animal Fighting