A Day Without a Woman

in No Category on March 08, 2017

A Day without a Woman

There are many challenges facing the country and the world in 2017: many of them ongoing, some of them exacerbated. There is violence in America and the threat of war globally. There is climate change and environmental degradation. There is economic injustice and food insecurity. Sadly, the list is long. And, for us at Born Free USA, there are the serious threats of wildlife declines and animal cruelty—threats that are real, deadly, and, in some cases, unfixable. (Extinction is forever).[teaserbreak]

Today is International Women’s Day. It’s a time to recognize the important roles that women play in our lives, in society, and in the workforce: a day to fight for bold action in the quest for gender equity.

I’m reminded daily of the importance of women in the workforce and in my life.

Born Free USA is almost entirely staffed by women: Alice and Marion fighting over-exploitation of wildlife in trade; Jenn fighting against barbaric furbearer trapping; Kate fighting against cruel captivity of wildlife; Angela, Marcia, and Kelly working to raise funds for all of our vital programs; Rodi generating press attention for our cause; Sharie, Rachel, and Karen working to share our message and mission with all of our supporters in creative ways; Malia running the office in Washington, D.C.; and Dr. Katie, Jessica, Shanay, Dale, Brittany, Taylor, Ellie, and Devan all providing daily care for more than 600 monkeys in need at the Born Free USA Primate Sanctuary in Texas. A Day Without a Woman is a day that Born Free USA is not saving animals.

In some respects, this is nothing new. I started my animal protection career in Washington, D.C. in 1991 working for Christine Stevens, the founder of the Animal Welfare Institute, and was inspired by her leadership, knowledge, and experience. Born Free, of course, draws inspiration from the story of Elsa the lioness, told by Joy Adamson and depicted on screen by Virginia McKenna. A Day Without a Woman could have been a day without the amazing history of animal protection we know today.

Personally, I am inspired by my mother, who raised me by herself and from whom I learned my sense of compassion. I live with my wife, who is an executive at the Humane Rescue Alliance, my vegan daughter, stepdaughter, two female dogs, and four female cats. A Day Without a Woman would be a lonely day, indeed.

There’s too much tragedy in the world, befalling both people and animals. I’m thankful, however, for the efforts of so many women in so many arenas to improve the global condition and bring equity where drastic imbalances exist.

Keep Wildlife in the Wild,

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A.B. 238: Prohibiting Exotic Pet Ownership