S.R. 7: Urging Removal of Gray Wolf Protections [2016]

in Michigan on January 06, 2016

Bill Description:
This resolution expresses support for legislative action by the U.S. Congress and for an appeal by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to remove the Western Great Lakes gray wolf population from the endangered and threatened species list.[teaserbreak]

This bill would enable Michigan and the other Great Lakes states to again implement wolf hunting seasons. The state management plans we have seen in the past couple of years have been disastrous, with more than 1,700 wolves being mercilessly hunted, trapped, and hounded.
See our Gray Wolf Factsheet for information on why wolves still need Endangered Species Act protection, and why they pose a very minimal threat to livestock.

Take Action:
Michigan residents, contact your state lawmakers and urge them to support ongoing protections for gray wolves!

Read the full text and follow its progress here.

Read the next article

S.B. 146: Widening Exemptions to the Large Carnivore Act [2016]