Can You Take a Chimp to Court?

in Animal News on April 28, 2015

In what could be a landmark case for animal rights, a New York state judge has issued a ruling that may grant two chimpanzees the legal protection of humans. On April 20, the judge granted an order to “show cause & writ of habeas corpus” on behalf of two biomedical laboratory chimps, Hercules and Leo. However, only 48 hours later, the judge amended her decision, crossing out “& writ of habeas corpus” and thereby casting some doubt as to whether Hercules and Leo are still the legal subjects protected by Article One of the Constitution or if the judge would simply rather not have Hercules and Leo brought to appear in the courtroom just yet.

Link: The Daily Beast

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H.R. 2016/S. 1081: Refuge from Cruel Trapping Act [2015-16]