S. 2538/A. 4179: Prohibiting Snares

in New Jersey on February 16, 2015

Bill Description:
This bill prohibits the use of snares to trap wildlife.[teaserbreak]

Snares are primitive wire nooses that, depending on how they are set, are designed to tighten around an animal’s leg (restraining trap) or neck (kill trap).

While small victims of neck snares may become unconscious in five to ten minutes from strangulation, larger animals may suffer for days. In one study, researchers recommended neck snares not be used in areas with livestock or deer after snares set for coyotes killed 50% of deer accidentally captured. The Federal Provincial Committee on Humane Trapping concluded after years of study that these snares “do not have the potential to consistently produce a quick death.”

Read more on our trapping page.

Many other animals are injured by snares or die as “collateral damage,” including endangered species and family pets. (See our Trapping Incidents Database for more information.) Even one such tragedy is too many, and these types of incidents are sadly all too common.

Take Action:
New Jersey residents, contact your state senator and assemblymember and urge them to support this legislation!

Read the full text here.

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S.B. 5938: Removing Regional Protection for Gray Wolves