HCR 5008: Guaranteeing Right to Hunt, Fish, and Trap [2015]

in Kansas on January 22, 2015

Bill Description:
This concurrent resolution would amend the bill of rights of the state constitution, guaranteeing the right to hunt, trap, and fish.[teaserbreak]

Read about the horrors of trapping – including inhumane euthanasia methods such as drowning or chemical injections – on our trapping page.

Because this resolution proposes an amendment to the state constitution, it must be passed by a two-thirds majority in both the House and the Senate. If it passes the legislature, it will appear on the ballot at the next general election for a popular vote.

Take Action:
Kansas residents, contact your state representative and urge him or her to oppose this resolution!

Read the full text here.

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SJR A/HJR H: Right to Hunt, Trap, and Fish