A.8329: Training Nuisance Wildlife Control Operators in Nonlethal Methods [2013-14]

in New York on January 28, 2014

Update (June, 2014): This bill failed to pass before the end of the session, but it was reintroduced as A. 1344 in 2015.
Update (May 30, 2014): This bill was severely weakened through amendments. Read the amended version here.

Bill Description:

This bill requires nuisance wildlife control operators to use non-lethal methods that avoid injuring the “nuisance” animal, unless prohibited by a different law or necessary to protect public safety or the environment. Additionally, animals caught in box traps or otherwise captured alive must be released alive in most circumstances. If the captured animal is distressed, diseased, or injured, the nuisance wildlife control operator must transport the animal to a veterinarian or licensed wildlife rehabilitator.


Captured wildlife must be transported in a manner that will minimize stress, exposure to the elements, and potential hazards to the public. Reasonable efforts must be made to preserve family units. Dependent young wildlife cannot be abandoned in a structure or left without provision for care during or after the removal of wildlife. If an animal is euthanized, it must be done in the least stressful, quickest and most painless way, while still protecting public safety.

The Department of Environmental Conservation must keep a record of any complaints lodged against a nuisance wildlife control operator and document the action it takes in response to the complaint.

Read about the horrors of trapping – including inhumane euthanasia methods such as drowning or chemical injections – on our trapping page.
A similar bill was introduced by Asm. Rosenthal in 2013 but has not made it past the Environmental Conservation Committee.

Read the next article

H.B. 1188: Prohibiting Acts Associated with Fox Penning [2014]