Happy New Year from Born Free USA

in International Wildlife Trade on January 02, 2014

It’s hard to believe that 2013 has ended and that 2014 is already here! These first moments of the new year hold a particular magic: a renewed vigor to strive for our goals, a blank slate filled with boundless potential, and a fresh start to the year ahead. [teaserbreak]

I rang in the new year with a sense of accomplishment for what we achieved in 2013—and with a drive for the important work that awaits us. This past year was a whirlwind of legislative victories, animal rescues, and powerful campaigns that we couldn’t have achieved without you. With your help, we’ll continue our fight to save animals around the world.

2014 promises to be packed with progress for wildlife. We’ll work to educate people about the cruelty of trapping and the fur trade; ensure that wild animals remain in the wild, rather than on display in zoos; protect species from the brutal international wildlife trade with CITES; and pass legislation to end the use of body-gripping traps in the National Wildlife Refuge System, ban possession of nonhuman primates as pets, and allow sanctuaries to import nonhuman primates from abroad.

I’m excited for all that we’ll accomplish together in 2014—and I’m confident that your support will make this our best year yet for animals!

Blogging off,


Read the next article

S.B. 93/A.B. 94: Banning the Use of Dogs in Wolf Hunts [2014]