Captive Chimpanzees Endangered, Too

in Endangered Species on June 19, 2013

A giant step for chimp-kind! The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at long last has proposed classifying both wild AND captive chimpanzees as endangered under the Endangered Species Act. This would provide protection to all chimpanzees, including the estimated 2,000 in captivity in America. [teaserbreak]

It has certainly been a long mystery to me why chimpanzees in captivity are listed as threatened, while their wild counterparts are endangered. Now, thanks to a petition by a number of our colleagues, this inconsistency has a chance of being fixed. The proposal was published in the Federal Register today, launching a 60 comment period that is open to the public.

If the Service fulfills its important responsibility of listing captive chimpanzees as endangered, it will provide these intelligent wild animals a measure of protection from harm, harassment, and suffering that they currently lack. A no brainer if you ask me.

Of the approximated 2,000 chimpanzees in captivity in the United States, roughly three quarters of these are in research laboratories while the rest are in zoos, traveling shows and private ownership. Chimpanzees in the wild are found in Western and Central Africa and their numbers have dwindled to an estimate around 125,000. Beyond the threat to their natural habitat including logging and encroaching farmland, wild chimpanzees are threatened by poachers, are hunted for food and captured for trade.

This is why it is important to keep chimpanzees in their natural and healthy habitat while protecting their less-fortunate counterparts in captivity. Wildlife belongs in the wild.

Blogging off,


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