The Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme recently held the fourth annual Arsi Wolf Day

in Ethiopian Wolves on May 15, 2013

(This article appeared in the April 2013 EWOP newsletter)

The Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme recently held the fourth annual Arsi Wolf Day, hosted this year by Ticho School adjacent to the Chilalo wolf population. As the speeches and opening presentations got unde rway, the participants were reminded that the wolves were watching over them from the mountains towering above the school, and that everyone present had a responsibility to ensure that these very special animals survived for future generations.
The day was lots of fun, with the schoolchildren impressing us with a very entertaining dramatic production, artwork and debates concerning Afroalpine conservation and the threats facing the wolves today. The warden from the newly proclaimed Arsi Mountains National Park also joined in the celebrations.

Our community officer in Arsi, Asheber Anbessa, was invaluable in helping the regional authorities to demarcate the park boundary, which includes important wolf habitat.

“Bayee galitoomaa” to all those who helped make Wolf Day such a success.

Read other updates about our Ethiopian wolf project.

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