The Strange Case of Mr. Hyde

in Animals in Entertainment on May 02, 2013

Last November a worker was killed in a bear attack at a captive-animal facility in Montana, which we have since come to learn has been the site of several exotic-animal escapes. Benjamin Cloutier, 24, died in a cage he was cleaning that still contained its two residents, Syrian brown bears Griz and Yosemite.

A clear case of negligence, right? An avoidable tragedy?
Not according to Animals of Montana’s owner, Troy Hyde, who told the press:

“We work inside a business that’s a highly dangerous business, and everybody that works within this business is very aware of the dangers. Those people don’t understand what we do. We’re not a zoo.”

That’s a peculiar defense for someone to give when explaining the accidental death of one of his employees. What his facility does is rent out animals for photo shoots and movies. Does that mean it is more dangerous than a zoo? Maybe so, maybe not, but either way Animals of Montana — just like zoos — exploits its captive exotics for entertainment and profit.

My colleague Adam Roberts responded to the incident by telling the Associated Press:

“So often we’re derided as naysayers, but every time an incident like this happens it just shows how inappropriate wild animals are in captivity.”

Inappropriate, indefensible and, you’re right about this much, Mr. Hyde, dangerous.

Blogging off,

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