SB 205 Authorizes the Hunting of Wolves in Certain Circumstances [2013]

in South Dakota on February 08, 2013

Update (March 2013): This bill passed and was signed into law by the governor.

Bill description: This bill sets the stage for wolves to be killed in any manner should they ever return to South Dakota. Currently there are no wolves in the state. This bill preemptively adds wolves to the list of animals designated as “predator/varmint,” and allows for wolves to be hunted, taken or killed in any area of the state. On Feb. 5, 2013, this bill passed the Agriculture and Natural Resources committee by a 9-0 vote.
Wolves are an important part of the ecosystem and if wolves ever return to South Dakota they should be protected, not hunted and trapped. The wolf remains a vulnerable species through the United States and has yet to recover through much of its historic range, including South Dakota.

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SB 1280 Restricts Fox and Coyote Penning [2013]