An Assault on Reason

in Endangered Species on December 06, 2012

Safari Club International, with its offensively hypocritical motto “The leader in protecting the freedom to hunt and in promoting wildlife conservation worldwide,” has not surprisingly come out against our much-needed efforts to have the African lion listed as “endangered” under the U.S. Endangered Species Act.
For the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to have ruled last week that endangered status may be warranted is, to the SCI, “extremely disappointing.”

Here’s how this kill-them-to-save-them organization explains its sad stance:

“Listing the African Lions as endangered will almost undoubtedly prevent the importation of lion trophies into the United States which will likely inhibit U.S. citizens from hunting lions altogether. An import ban will undermine funding for on-the-ground conservation programs and will not reduce the number of lions taken in range nations. And, without the U.S. market, revenues generated from lion hunting that are allocated to wildlife conservation are likely to plummet.”

What self-serving nonsense! The Safari Club, which promotes the crass notion that bagging wildlife is good old entertainment, here uses an economic argument that is as empty as the hearts of lion hunters.

A lion trophy import ban into the United States will only undermine on-the-ground conservation programs if short-sighted organizations such as SCI stop the funding. Born Free, building lion-proof bomas in Kenya, for instance, surely will not stop!

And where the United States is causing the slaughter of some 500 lions each year, stopping the imports will indeed reduce the number of lions killed.

And lastly, if lion trophy hunting is such a strong conservation and economic force, I say, prove it! Dwindling continent-wide populations suggest hunting isn’t really the answer. And recent economic studies, commissioned by the group of us who petitioned to list the lion, suggests that the economic impact of lion trophy hunting is puny.

The only hope for lions is that they receive heightened protection, and soon. Otherwise, all the world will have left of lions is their mounted heads — and the fools who contributed to their demise.

Blogging off,

Read the next article

Born Free USA Goes on TV to Fight for Lions