Born Free USA and Living Green Magazine Partner to Raise Awareness to Keep Wildlife in the Wild

in Wildlife Conservation on July 31, 2012

Born Free USA has teamed up with Living Green Magazine to share some of the organization’s online content and information, and partner in a giveaway beginning today, for a chance to win a free iPod and a copy of the Academy Award-winning film “Born Free.” The promotion is part of a collaborative effort to meet both organizations’ missions to increase awareness of captive wildlife and keep wildlife in the wild.
The contest runs through Aug. 15 at

Born Free USA is a nationally recognized leader in animal welfare and wildlife conservation. Through litigation, legislation and public education, Born Free USA leads vital campaigns against animals in entertainment, exotic “pets,” trapping and fur, and the destructive international wildlife trade. Born Free USA brings to the United States the message of “compassionate conservation” — the vision of the United Kingdom-based Born Free Foundation, established in 1984 by Bill Travers and Virginia McKenna, stars of the iconic film “Born Free,” along with their son Will Travers, now chief executive officer of both organizations. Born Free’s mission is to end suffering of wild animals in captivity, conserve threatened and endangered species, and encourage compassionate conservation globally.

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Media Contact: Rodi Rosensweig,, (203) 270-8929.

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