Age of Reason?

in Endangered Species on July 10, 2012

“Ice Age 3: Continental Drift” opens in theaters this week, and I can’t help but wonder if our sense of reason has gone adrift lately at the way we look at the icy regions of our planet and the wildlife that calls the Arctic home.
Wildlife belongs in the wild. Polar bears belong in the wild. Yet we’ve recently been inundated with stories about how zoos can “save the polar bear” by establishing a captive population. It is appallingly naïve and frankly irresponsible to think that the seriously complex situation facing polar bears can be solved by simply collecting and preserving bears like some sort of museum piece.

Polar bears are at risk from the effects of global warming, with some populations in decline because of a complex suite of reasons that can’t be fully explained in the brevity imposed by a blog, but put simply, the problem is loss of sea ice, which supports seal species essential to the breeding success of the bears.

The zoos’ argument in the media proposes to “increase the number of polar bears in U.S. zoos to help maintain the species’ genetic diversity if the wild population plummets,” presumably with a view to release back into the wild but admitting that, “In a worst-case scenario, a remnant would survive in captivity.”

There are many things wrong with this argument, not least as Dr. David Suzuki, a Canadian geneticist and conservationist, has stated: Zoo breeding does not produce viable stock for release at some future point, since captive breeding only selects for characteristics that allow captive survival. And this does not take into consideration the nurture part of it — the need for polar bear cubs to be taught by their mothers to hunt seals. Do zoos seriously think they will be breeding seals and teaching bears how to hunt them on sea ice? That’s simply not possible.

The one and only solution that the zoos’ argument above does provide is the answer to the decline in the number of captive polar bears in U.S. zoos which, as the U.S. media stated, has declined since 1995 when there were about 200. Today 64 bears reside in accredited institutions. As we have seen from the likes of Knut at Berlin Zoo, polar bears are big earners, polar bear cubs even more so.

Zoos argue that the bears are ambassadors for their wild counterparts. I would argue that polar bears are clearly not suitable for captivity and their persistent use as an emblem for threatened species and worldwide climate change has given zoos a new excuse to keep polar bears and the public a reason to not only tolerate it but also to think they’re doing their bit, by going to the zoo.

Even if bears were bred specifically for survival characteristics, the reason they are declining is that their prey and habitat are in decline. Where would the polar bears be returned to? If all human contribution to global climate change were to cease immediately, the vast majority of experts say we would still be looking at a need to breed polar bears for thousands of years, until temperatures cooled back to 20th century norms and the ice returned. Far before then we’d see “genetic drift” resulting in domestication of the zoo bears.

We must strive to protect the wild polar bear population within their habitat along with their prey and ensure that they have the very best chance of survival. From tackling large corporations that are destroying vital habitat to ensuring polar bears are not removed from the wild through trophy hunting, which will eliminate key genetic strands key for adaptation and survival, right down to simply changing our personal daily energy use.

It is vital that people are not be led to believe that caged polar bears are the solution.

Blogging off,

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