Three, Two, One … Don’t Drop the Ball for Animals!

in No Category on January 02, 2012

For me and billions of other human beings, the end of one year and beginning of another marks a time for celebration, reflection and resolve.

At Born Free USA, however, we are keenly aware that as we replace calendars, try to remember to write “2012” in our correspondences and so forth, wildlife have no such calendrical concerns. To them, Jan. 1 is pretty much the same as Dec. 31 — or Dec. 30 or Jan. 2, for that matter. Captive exotic animals also are oblivious to human traditions: Circus elephants don’t light Chanukah candles, “pet” monkeys don’t color Easter eggs and caged parrots don’t eat hotdogs while watching fireworks. There’s a popular parting shot among members of our office in Sacramento when they scatter for the holidays: “Have fun, but remember: The animals don’t get the day off!”
Although said with a smile, that comment is not just a pleasantry. There’s a sobering truth behind it: Animals do not celebrate Christmas, New Year’s or any other holiday. Nor do they have 40-hour workweeks or vacations. Out in the wild, nature’s challenges are many and constant, varying by season, perhaps, but not by date. Factor in what humans do to wildlife — poach, trap, trade, kill, crowd out, etc. — and those challenges can become overwhelming.

Yes, the arrival of 2012 is a landmark for those of us who pay attention to such things. Let us all resolve to do all we can to make the new year a happier one for animals.

Blogging off,

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