It’s a Zoo with an Attitude — Nothing More

in Animals in Entertainment on November 22, 2011

“The Spitfire” has been extinguished.

Umoya, about 21 years old, was an African elephant who eight years ago undertook a long, arduous flight to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park from Swaziland. On Thursday morning she died in the park’s exhibit area. An official there blamed the death on “some sort of aggressive interaction with another elephant.”
You may recall that this live elephant import was hailed as a “rescue” by the zoo and one that Born Free USA went to great lengths – including legal action – to halt. We even found protected areas in South Africa – in the wild – to which they could have been relocated instead.

The park, like all zoos in the United States, is obscenely too small to provide elephants with the room they need to roam and thrive. A tourist train chugs by their enclosure, one of many containing exotic animals. Trees are just out of reach.

What’s there is not worthy of being called a “safari park.” It’s a prison.

Elephants are very social animals who naturally form herds and establish a hierarchy. Umoya, billed by the park as being the second-ranked female in the enclosure, may have had a fatal spat with Mabhulane, the top-ranked male. No person will ever know for sure.

Nor can any person ever say for certain that the forced encampment of Umoya was a factor in her death. But it probably was, and it definitely restricted the enjoyment of life experienced by her and the surviving elephants there.

Those elephants — all the animals at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park, probably — are not going to be returned to the wild. But surely there must be a way to protect them more, to give them more space, to give them more privacy. They deserve no less and the sooner we stop looking at exotic animals as a spectacle who should be exhibited for our fleeting amusement, the better.

Blogging off,

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