Label Fur “UnCool”

in Fur Trade on June 22, 2010

I was really glad to hear that the California Fur labeling bill AB 1656 continues to fly through the California legislature with a high level of support — the bill recently passed the Senate Judiciary Committee and now moves on to the Senate Floor for a vote.
If passed this bill would prohibit the sale of any coat, jacket, garment, or other clothing apparel made wholly or partially of fur regardless of the price or amount of fur contained in or on the garment without a tag or label that includes the name of the animals from which the fur was acquired and the country of origin of any imported furs.

This is bill is really important for two reasons.

  1. It is important that those buying animal fur always be reminded that fur comes from a living breathing feeling animal and it is not merely a ‘fabric” or a “crop” to be “harvested.”
  2. It is important that those who don’t want to support the cruel fur trade do not inadvertently purchase real fur assuming that it is faux.

The only down side of this bill is that it will not apply to used clothing. I guess applying the law to used clothing might create a logistical nightmare since information on the type and country of origin of used or “vintage” fur is easily lost over time. But don’t let anyone tell you that buying used or vintage fur is o.k. I’ve already covered this topic on a previous blog.

Of course I want to see retailers go beyond labeling. I want them to take a stand against selling fur altogether.

As part of our ongoing educational efforts, Born Free USA works with the international program to recognize compassionate retailers who understand the ethical and environmental benefits of abstaining from the use of fur. The program is Consumers for a Fur Free Society (CFFS).

The CFFS program is supported and endorsed by an international coalition of 35 leading animal and environmental protection organizations, representing millions and millions of supporters worldwide. In the past year, the program has grown with many retailers recognized, including Marks and Spencer, Topshop, H&M, American Apparel, Mango, and Pier 1.

We have also partnered with E magazine — the nation’s leading environmental publication to draw even more positive attention to compassionate retailers with an affiliated fashion design competition “fffashion!” which will be judged by green living icon and author Sophie Uliano and Summer Rayne Oaks of Discovery Network’s Planet Green. And this year Josh Dorfman of the Lazy Environmentalist came on board to select the “Green Award” for the best and most “green” entry.

Check back in September for the release of the 2010 fffashion winners!

In recent years we have witnessed more and more markets embracing ideologies that support ethical consumerism. We simply cannot let compassion for animals be left out of the social and environmental equation. Fashion designers, retailers and consumers must realize that fur has no place in socially conscience ethical consumerism.

Let’s keep working together to spread the message that fur is not only cruel, it is decidedly “uncool.”

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Lion Burgers