AB 1656 Requires New Fur Clothing to Have Label [2010]

in California on March 24, 2010

Update: Bad news. Although the California Senate passed this bill with a bipartisan vote of 22-11 and sent it to the governor’s desk for his signature, Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed the legislation.

Bill description: If this bill passes, all new clothing apparel sold in California that is made of animal fur must clearly say so on the label.
If passed, this bill would prohibit the sale of any coat, jacket, garment or other clothing apparel made wholly or partially of fur — regardless of the price or amount of fur contained in or on the garment — without a tag or label that identifies the animals from which the fur was acquired and the country of origin of any imported furs. The labeling requirement would not apply to used clothing.

Action: If you are a California resident, please contact your state senator and urge him or her to support AB 1656.

To read the full text of this bill and to track its progress, visit http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/

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