Vampires guarding the blood bank

in No Category on November 30, 2009

Every time Born Free USA attempts to pass laws aimed at improving the welfare of captive birds, without fail those that exploit birds for financial gain fight us all the way, claiming that the commercial bird industry can and does regulate itself. Plus, they claim, if it weren’t for their high standards they wouldn’t be able to get birds to reproduce; so, their argument goes, their profits require that they provide top quality care.

First, reproduction is no guarantee of good welfare … Think about it. Dogs in puppy mills reproduce, pigs crammed in crates on factory farms reproduce.

Second, having an industry regulate itself is much like have vampires in charge of guarding the blood bank.

Two recent examples demonstrate this.

Last month 111 birds were seized from a deplorable bird mill in Colorado. What’s more, this bird mill belongs to the Western Regional Director of the American Federation of Aviculture.

This is the very group that comes out in force to oppose any regulation governing the breeding or keeping of birds. They opposed the Wild Bird Conservation Act (the 1992 Act that banned the import of imperiled wild caught birds) and they opposed including birds (for which there are still no regulations) under the Animal Welfare Act.

A few weeks after the Colorado episode 150 birds were found in deplorable conditions in Virginia at another bird mill run under the name Hilltop Aviaries. Sounds so sweet, doesn’t it? I guess they meant “hilltops of bird poop.”

On their website they write:

“We hand feed all of our babies from 2 weeks out of nest and sell only to the best and Private Parties with the knolledge [sic] of owning a Bird and if needed will provide and teach all needed to care for any Bird we Hand raise here at Hill Top Aviaries.”

Oh great, they are sharing on their high standards of care!

There are millions of other bird mills just like these all across the country and because there are so few (if any) regulations governing the care of birds at the state and federal level, such abuse typically goes on unabated.

The plight of captive birds is often overlooked even by animal advocates. This is one of the reasons Born Free USA leads the National Bird Day effort each year to help get the plight of birds on the radar. It’s an important step to ensuring that we are able to do more for our feathered friends.

Please help us by taking part in one of the many activities available on the National Bird Day website.

Blogging off,


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