The Wind Beneath Our Wings

in Companion Animals on October 07, 2009

During the last several weeks I’ve had the pleasure of speaking to many of our supporters. We’ve always thanked each and every person who donates to Born Free USA with a letter or note but this time we wanted to take it a step further and personally thank many of our new donors with a call.
What an experience it’s been! I feel like I’ve known some of you all my life. There is such a kinship, a strong and undeniable tie that binds — the love of all creatures, great and small.

A delightful couple in Maine described their little piece of paradise — home to all kinds of wild critters and their much-loved cats and dogs, including one cat with a very interesting story — he arrived via a golf game. The Mrs. was playing 18 holes one day when a stray cat popped out of some shrubbery and began to follow her. She joked and said, “If you follow me to the 18th hole, you’re comin’ home with me”, and sure enough, he scored a hole-in-one and found his forever home.

People freely spoke of their deep and abiding love of animals, often passed down by their parents, and now a prominent part of their children’s lives. Several people I spoke with have loved and cared for animals for more than 60 years, and their pets are the true givers of unconditional love and inspiration.

The “parrot lady” in Michigan — when I greeted her and introduced myself, I could hear loud squawking in the background and her brief announcement — “It’s okay, Rocky, I’ll get your dinner in a minute”. Rocky is one of her 19 “rescued” parrots. Rocky is a star! He’s fond of proclaiming, “God bless America and Buy American!” He tells her to “buy a Harley” and that “He was born to ride.” What a kick! Her little sanctuary is also home to two “mated” swans — Freedom and Liberty. Freedom was rescued from a cruel assault by hoodlum kids. Liberty showed up later and the two swans fell in love.

There’s a recently rescued ex-racehorse, a former racing greyhound and several cats — all dearly loved. Their human guardians struggle with serious health issues but it doesn’t prevent them from caring for these beautiful beings and supporting what we do. Such compassion and commitment lifts us up and inspires us to battle on in our quest to end animal exploitation and instill the desire to protect and preserve creatures in the wild.

Without the generous donations and compassionate concern of our supporters, our work would end and the progress we’ve made through the years would come to a standstill. We cannot let that happen. We’ve come too far. We will continue to speak for those who have no voice because you are the wind beneath our wings!

With sincere and humble gratitude,

Susan (aka Crazy Cat Woman)

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Beauty for a Cause