S. 197 Crane Conservation Act of 2009

in Senate on September 10, 2009

Purpose: This bill would further the global efforts to protect crane populations by setting up the Crane Conservation Fund. As such, S. 197 would provide a permanent source of funding for projects in regions of North America, Asia, Europe, and Africa where cranes are endangered.
Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

Action: SUPPORT. Please contact your two U.S. Senators and urge them to support S. 197. Tell your Senators that crane populations are facing serious threats all over the world and this legislation can help ensure their survival into the future.

Talking Points for your letter:

  • Of the world’s 15 crane species, 11 are at risk for extinction, making cranes the most imperiled birds in the world.
  • The world’s rarest crane, the Whooping Crane, lives in the United States. Only three flocks still exist, of which only one migrates naturally.
  • Until now, the resurgence of crane populations in the United States has been considered a conservation success story. The ability to bring crane populations from the verge of extinction back to the hundreds has been an important accomplishment, and this bill would help to bring them back to a truly viable population.
  • S. 197 is consistent with the much-needed conservation policy being implemented in America today.
  • The Crane Conservation Act provides funding to experts in their own communities to help people to better utilize resources and appreciate the need for worldwide conservation. This community-focused strategy will help to enhance conservation education while also protecting the cranes.
  • Cranes have become endangered as a result of pollution, industrialization, and habitat loss. However, they are able to survive successfully, with the help of humans, on wildlife reserves. This bill could help fund the creation of new reserves and then fund reserve operations.

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H.R. 1454 Multinational Species Conservation Funds Stamp Act