Big Country, Small World

in International Wildlife Trade on July 02, 2009

Boston, MA — Six years ago while traveling in Indonesia, Monica Engebretson, who works with the wildlife advocacy and conservation group Born Free USA, aided in the release of a wild-caught parrot — a rainbow lorikeet — that had been chained to a perch for over a year (a common practice in Indonesia). Monica was so touched by the experience, she wrote a children’s book manuscript based on it. After shopping the manuscript around for several years, the project received funding and support from several animal welfare and conservation organizations and the book, Lucky, was self-published to rave reviews.
Boston–based Recycled Paper Printing, Inc. was chosen to print the book because it was important that the printing of the book be eco-friendly and consistent with the books humane and conservation message. Engebretson didn’t realize at the time that the printing company had also come to be as a result of another profound experience in the forests of Indonesia more than 20 years ago.

Todd Truesdale, founder of Recycler Paper Printing Inc., was a rainforest biologist in Borneo, Indonesia. After he observed widespread clear-cutting outside the rainforest research camp he helped create, he decided to forego graduate school and start a company which would improve our environment. Thus, Recycled Paper Printing, Inc., the nation’s oldest recycled paper printer, was born.

“Our company has been printing environmentally responsible materials for decades. It is always rewarding to produce printed materials in a manner that reinforces a client’s message. In this case, it was particularly gratifying to print a piece with a mission that so closely parallels our original goals — to make the world a better place — and one inspired from experiences in the same part of the world.” said Truesdale. “Lucky is a story of hope through awareness and education; a story that Recycled Paper Printing, Inc. is proud to be associated with.”

The book gently awakens children to the plight of captive birds through the fictionalized story of Lucky, who is captured in the wild and eventually regains his freedom with the help of a young Indonesian boy. The book also includes information about real Lucky.

“It may have taken six years but I really couldn’t ask for a better outcome. The story is finally available to the public, is beautifully illustrated, and is printed on recycled, chlorine-free paper, using 100% wind energy to protect the environment and the world’s forests. Plus, proceeds from the sale of this book benefits avian welfare, rescue, and conservation — to help birds like Lucky. What could be better than that?” asked Engebretson.

“I have never forgotten that little bird, full of spirit and sass in the face of one of the cruelest things that can happen to a bird — denial of the ability to fly and socialize with other birds. This type of cruelty happens to birds every day, whether chained to perches in a remote village or confined to cages in an urban living room. I hope Lucky will change the way people think about captive birds,” added Engebretson.

Born Free USA is a national non-profit animal welfare and conservation organization and nationally recognized leader on exotic animal legislation and international wildlife trade issues. Born Free USA was founded on the principle of the classic movie Born Free — to Keep Wildlife in the Wild. More information can be found at


Monica Engebretson, 916.447.3085 x210,
Todd Truesdale, 800.886.9901 x407,

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