LD 241 Expands the Hunting Season on Bears [2009]

in Maine on June 08, 2009

Update: Great news! This legislation failed. Please stay tuned for any further developments.

Bill Description: If passed, this legislation would expand the hunting of bears by opening an additional hunting season in the spring.
Bears are hunted using packs of dogs, which many deem as unfair, unsporting, and cruel. Moreover, the rare occurrences of bear–human conflicts in Maine will not be resolved by a spring hunting season as a hunting season will not lead to the elimination of the offending animals. Instead, the situation could be easily resolved with simple changes in human behavior. Finally, black bears have one of the lowest reproduction rates of any mammal. Don’t let the population that exists in the state now be placed at risk.

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AB 4777 Allows Counties to Ban Trapping [2009]