Born Free Is 25!

in No Category on March 19, 2009

Hard to believe, I know.

The Born Free Foundation, the organization that started it all (founded by my parents, Virginia McKenna and Bill Travers), is a staggering 25 years old.
Described by the then (and no longer) Director of the venerable London Zoo as a “nine day wonder,” Born Free has, in fact, flourished. Now with our companion organization, Born Free USA, with branches in Kenya and Ethiopia, representatives in South Africa and Sri Lanka and projects in more than a dozen countries, Born Free’s message of compassionate conservation and care for the individual is spreading far and wide.

The 18th of March sees the first of a number of events marking the 25th Silver Anniversary. The Royal Geographical Society in London will play host to a Born Free evening where field workers, celebrities, and conservationists will help tell the story of what has been, what is happening, and what is yet to come.

Founder Virginia McKenna OBE will also unveil her long-awaited memoirs The Life in My Years, an extraordinary personal odyssey featuring the life-changing year when she and Bill starred in the wildlife classic Born Free.

Today, Born Free USA plays a leading role in calling for a more humane and compassionate society here in the United States. Whether it’s wild animals in circuses and zoos, exotic animals kept as “pets,” trapping, the bird trade, the wearing of fur, or the rescuing of primates in need of our help, BFUSA is on the front line for animals.

Help as you can — join, adopt, donate, support — spread the word and help begin the next 25 years!

We all have role to play — the story is not over!

Blogging off!


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SB 994 Bans Cruel Traps [2009]