Saving the desert tortoise from predatory ravens

in Animal News on April 03, 2008

A U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service program beginning next Spring will kill ravens caught preying on desert tortoises threatened with extinction. USFWS considered comments by animal advocacy groups to use only non-lethal methods, but that would take too long to have an effect, said a USFWS biologist, adding that the decline of the desert tortoise population needed to be stopped as soon as possible. Non-lethal in the plan including educating the public to place trash in covered garbage bins and not to over-irrigate lawns so that pools of water can be used by ravens for drinking. Monica Engebretson, senior program associate with Born Free USA united with API, said she hoped the program would have included methods to prevent raven eggs from hatching and efforts to pass ordinances that would fine residents for not properly taking care of their garbage or lawns so that the effort is taken seriously.

Plan calls for killing ravens to save desert tortoise
Jennifer Bowles
The Press-Enterprise

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